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_:. Nation Information Personal message provided on 3/20/2014:
******************************Largonia Est. 3/7/06 Proud Nation of Pacifica********************************
_:. Government Information
Ruler: Zepher
Nation Name: Largonia
Last Activity: 7/12/2024 10:42:45 AM (15 Days Inactive)
National Flag:
Alliance Affiliation: New Pacific Order
Member of the Body Republic
Capital City: Largo
Government Type:

- Monarchy
National Religion:

- Judaism
Currency Type:
Nation Team:
Nation Created: 3/7/2006 11:28:44 PM (6,717 days old)
Technology: 182,831.69
Infrastructure: 15,999.00
Area of Influence: 16,074.393 mile diameter.
4,000.000 in purchases, 1,998.860 in modifiers, 10,075.533 in growth
War/Peace Preference: War is an option for Largonia.
Connected Resources:
Bonus Resources:
Trade Slots Used:
Improvements: Airports: 3, Banks: 7, Barracks: 5, Border Walls: 5, Churches: 5, Clinics: 5, Drydocks: 5, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Forward Operating Bases: 2, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 5, Labor Camps: 5, Missile Defenses: 5, Naval Academies: 2, Naval Construction Yards: 3, Offices of Propaganda: 2, Police Headquarters: 5, Prisons: 1, Red Light Districts: 2, Rehabilitation Facilities: 4, Satellites: 5, Schools: 5, Shipyards: 5, Stadiums: 5, Universities: 2
National Wonders: Agriculture Development Program, Anti-Air Defense Network, Central Intelligence Agency, Disaster Relief Agency, EMP Weaponization, Federal Aid Commission, Federal Reserve, Foreign Air Force Base, Foreign Army Base, Great Monument, Great Temple, Great University, Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo, Interceptor Missile System, Internet, Interstate System, Manhattan Project, Mining Industry Consortium, Movie Industry, National Environment Office, National Research Lab, National War Memorial, Nuclear Power Plant, Pentagon, Political Lobbyists, Scientific Development Center, Social Security System, Space Program, Stock Market, Strategic Defense Initiative, Superior Logistical Support, Universal Health Care, Weapons Research Complex
Senate Votes: 0 Votes (Senate Votes Allowed)
_:. Military Information
Nation Rank: Ranked #6 of 2,281 Nations (0.3%)
Nation Strength: 988,285.526
Efficiency: 147.13
Number of Soldiers: 44,903 (83,654)
Number of Tanks: 14,335
Aircraft: 105
Cruise Missiles: 0
Navy Vessels: 78
Nuclear Weapons: 25
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 1,427,573 Attacking + 2,829,909 Defending = 4,257,482 Casualties
Total Population: 261,975 Mixed Supporters

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