Cyber Nations is an ever evolving nation simulation game. Launched in
2006, there have been countless changes over the years. Use this page to
see what's new.
Updated the
population preferences on national religion to rephrase some of the
existing descriptions (Sikhism has always been kind of funky, that's
fixed now) and included Norse as a desired religion.
Updated the
infrastructure purchase page in the game to allow for specific number
entries rather than the dreaded drop down box.
Updated the
in-game private messaging system. The compose screen now lets you carbon
copy up to 25 other ruler names into your message. The inbox now allows
you to mass delete messages and will now display 20 messages at a time
instead of 5.
Set a limit
of 200 on the number of in-game private messages a member can send in a
day. This is to help prevent spam in the game and help fight against
mass script attacks. The messaging system will be revised in the coming
weeks and this number can be adjusted if needed at that time.
In an
effort to stop the use of mass messaging scripts in the game I have
added image verifications when sending and responding to in-game private
messages. The verification image will appear if you have sent 25 or more
private messages to other users during the course of the day.
All users
are required to enter a verification image to login to the site if they
fail on their first login attempt.
work on national wonders. I'll be posting some info on them shortly.
Added a
field in the nation display page for 'Number of Soldiers Lost in All
Wars' so that players can see how many solders they have lost throughout
the life of their nation. This number will be important for one of the
national wonders.
I've made
some changes to the cruise missile system including how satellites and
missile defenses are calculated. The 30% bonus to satellites and missile
defenses was causing a problem when the improvements rose above 3
improvements so they have been reduced to 10% instead of 30% and the
calculations have been re-coded to make everything even.
the senator sanctions over the past few days. Now individual senators
can only have up to 5 active sanctions and the limit per team is 15
active sanctions rather than 30.
Added a
screen to view all sanctions placed around the world by team senators.
The screen can be accessed via the world statistics screen.
I've added
a color blind accessibility feature to the game. You can change your
setting by clicking the My Profile link on the left navigation menu
in-game. For now this feature only affects the colored team blocks that
I added yesterday.
I added a
secret trade option that forfeits any team bonuses but allows the trades
to become immune to team sanctions. It is important to note that once a
sanction has been placed against a nation no one from the sanctioning
team will be allowed to trade with it, secret or not, so secret trade
agreement are something that have to be setup prior to the sanction
being created.
Updated the
team and alliance stats pages to update automatically every 24 hours
instead of me having to do it manually. You'll notice that the pages
load very quickly now too.
colored blocks to represent the teams in the game instead of colored
text. The yellow and pink teams seemed to blend in with everything and
the colored blocks stand out much better.
the in-game search feature a bit to provide a couple of options when
searching. It was a very simple addition and I'm not sure how helpful it
will be.