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 :. Cyber Nations Game Update Log

Last Major Update: 9/1/2024 7:41 PM

Cyber Nations is an ever evolving nation simulation game. Launched in 2006, there have been countless changes over the years. Use this page to see what's new.

2013-2025 2011-2012 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

The link offer has been upgraded. Now you can invite your friends and track all of your referrals on your invite friends screen. When you invite your friends to play the game from this point forward you can get various rewards for each player that signs up using your unique referral code when they reach an in-game strength of 10,000 or higher.

The team message notification has been re-introduced. Whenever a team senator posts a new team message you'll get a notification on your nation display screen. Players caught abusing or spamming team messages will be warned.
Added a search box on the senate election screen to help players find their favorite candidate faster and easier.
Updated the all alliances stats page per this bug report.

Starting today at 11:30 AM game time the inactivity deletion routine now automatically deletes nations on 25 days inactivity instead of on 20 days inactivity. Tax collections are now capped at 20 days. The additional time added before automatic deletion occurs is intended to give players some buffer time in case of connection issues or other problems so that they can collect taxes and prevent automatic account deletion. To be clear, nations will now be deleted ON 25 days inactivity, at no specific time. So the advice is to prevent your nation from getting to 25 days of inactivity. If your account is deleted due to inactivity it will not be restored. This update is not retroactive so if your nation was previously deleted on 20 days inactivity under the previous rules it will not be restored. The website terms and conditions have been updated to reflect this change.

Six new national wonders have been added to the game. These new wonders are space wonders and consist of Moon Base, Moon Colony, Moon Mine and Mars Base, Mars Colony, Mars Mine. For details on each of these wonders click here and for an overview of how these new wonders function click here. Players can get a peek of what the wonders look like by viewing my admin test nation Mars map.
The Moon and Mars hotspot relocation that will occur on the 1st day of every month will begin on September 1st. We'll skip the August 1st reset since we're already at the end of the month and players who purchase the new wonders now will need time to locate the current hotspot.

The nation maps in the game have been updated with a more modern looking interface, scroll wheel zoom, new nation icons, and upgrades to the nation land indicator circles.

The updates to spy operations that were announced in 6-30 has been released.

Coming in two weeks (on or after July 14, 2009) spy operations will receive a significant update. A summary of changes is as follows:

  1. Two new spy operations Sabotage IRS Proficiency and Destroy Land will be added.
  2. The spy operations of Incite Government Propaganda, Incite Religious Propaganda, Sabotage IRS Proficiency, and Change Threat Level will require the defender to collect taxes before changing the individual settings that these spy operations effect. Given these upgrades in damage for these spy operations the only spy operation that will be available to peace mode nations will be the Gather Intelligence spy operation.
  3. Destroy Defending Tanks will destroy 10% of tanks rather than a flat limit of 50 and Destroy Technology, Destroy Infrastructure, and Destroy Money Reserves will have their caps increased.
  4. Nations will start each new day at midnight update with 2 attacking and 2 defending spy slots plus 1 attacking spy slot per active war that can be used only against their war opponents. Nations will continue to only receive two defending spy operations against them per day.
  5. These changes are currently being tested in Cyber Nations Tournament Edition if you would like to get an early sneak peak before these changes are rolled out to CN:Standard.

Nations that are at war who self anarchy themselves who have not already received a defeat alert that day will now be deducted the equivalent of a ground battle defeat alert with damage modifiers based on their opponent with the highest technology level. Damage from self anarchy now includes the loss of spies, technology levels, infrastructure levels, and money in addition to the usual Anarchy penalty. These totals can be pre-determined before a deployment is issued by clicking the 'Confirm Deployment' button on the military deployment screen. If a nation is not at war then these damage additions to spies, technology, and infrastructure will not apply.
- Victorious defending nations will now receive additional loot money based on an attackers and the defenders abandoned equipment in ground battles. The additional loot is $2.00 per soldier killed and $50.00 per tank destroyed.

Quick update to the secret aid feature added on 5/15: Secret Aid will only appear in the receiver's foreign aid search results and the secret aid date stamp has been replaced with ????? These changes should make secret aid much harder to track.

The Federal Aid Commission wonder now allows two nations that have the wonder to participate in secret foreign aid. If both nations have a Federal Aid Commission wonder you may send foreign aid in secret by clicking the secret aid box in the aid offer screen. When you send foreign aid in secret it will cost the sending nation 200% of the items that are sent. The receiving nation will still get the actual amounts of the items that are sent as usual. Secret aid offers hide the receiver's information and aid details with ????? instead of displaying that information to the rest of the world. Successful 'Gather Intelligence' spy operations can expose the sender of a secret foreign aid agreement and who they send secret foreign aid to.

Added pagation to the nuclear news reports screen.

Some updates to the senate election screens have been released. The old drop down election list has been done away with and replaced with actual lists with stats of the candidate nations. Players eligible to vote will also notice an alert on their nation display page reminding them to vote in the senate race.
- The trade information screen now shows how many days your trade partners are inactive.

There was a major security issue during the night that we have now patched up. Details Here. April Fools.

10 new events have been added to the game. You'll be happy to note that all 10 of these events have positive outcomes. Some of the new events also have new effects and give players the option to reduce purchase and upkeep costs for things like land, infrastructure, technology, soldiers, and tanks.
Nations will no longer receive duplicate events.

Planet Realm Gaming

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