Cyber Nations is an ever evolving nation simulation game. Launched in
2006, there have been countless changes over the years. Use this page to
see what's new.
Detailed Alliance Statistics
screen now shows alliance foreign aid slots (Used / Total). I also added
the total number of votes that nations in the alliance have received as
well as a count of active wars for alliances. (These last two fields
were added mostly to make the table columns align properly, but I
thought they might be useful anyhow)
The nation
bonuses provided by donating
have been doubled.
referral bonuses have been increased
from ($1 million, 100 land, 40 infras, or 20 tech) to ($5 million, 500
land, 100 infras, or 50 tech) for each player referral that you bring
into Cyber Nations that reaches 5,000 nation strength.
I'm in the
process of removing the 200 nation sanction requirement for alliances. I also added
back The International flag because the alliance did follow all existing
rules when they achieved sanction status, however if in the future an
alliance obtains sanction and then quickly loses it, we will reserve the
right to remove the flag.
Nations can
now change their resources once every 30 days via your
Nation Edit screen. There is no cost
associated with changing your resources and you can select any two
resources that you want. Changing your resources will update all of your
trade agreements and your trade partners will receive notifications of
your change in resources.
nations can choose their own native resources, Coal, Oil, and Uranium
now provide an environment penalty if they are one of your base
I have
created a new statistics screen called
World Resource Distribution.
This coming
Saturday on 9/17/2011, per this
discussion thread and others, I will be implementing the ability to
change your default resources in Cyber Nations Standard as you can do in
Nations Tournament Edition. There will be a 30 day waiting period
between resource changes. I'm giving everyone advanced notice of this
update so that you can get your trade partners/circles ready for the big
change. If you'd like a sneak preview of what is to come, visit
Nations Tournament Edition where this update is already live.
If you
haven't joined
Nations Tournament Edition already, it's not too late to get
started. We're only 4 days into the current tournament round and this
time the round is 90 days long rather than the usual 60 days, so you
have plenty of time to catch up. I've been using Cyber Nations
Tournament Edition as a testing ground for new updates for quite a while
now, and with the recent addition of in-game alliances we need as many
players as we can get to test everything out. Head on over to TE and share your thoughts
and toss around a few nukes while you're at it.
Update to Cyber Nations Tournament Edition: Players can now manage
their own alliances, upload flags, approve membership request, remove or
ban nations from the alliance. You can also give alliance titles to
individual alliance members, give them access rights to help you manage
your alliance, and assign an alliance heir to take control of your
alliance in case you decide to leave your alliance or delete your
nation. You can provide a brief description about your alliance and also
make your alliance forums link visible on your alliance display screen.
here to checkout the updates.
A couple of
changes have been made to Cyber Nations Tournament Edition including the
option to receive free donations applied to your Cyber Nations Standard
account instead of receiving the regular merchandise
prizes. The prize donations will not go against your monthly
donation limit.
A few minor
changes were made today. The trade and foreign aid screens now provide clickable
icons to accept or reject offers instead of using the old text links. The
foreign aid reason will now be included as part of the private messages sent to
the recipient. To help remove clutter on the left navigation menu, the Delete My
Nation link has been moved to the Edit My Nation screen and taken off the left
navigation menu. The nation display screen will now indicate how long a nation
has been in peace/war mode beside the peace/war mode icon. The missing flag border for alliance flags on the
alliance stat screens has been fixed. The game update log will now serve
information by the year in an effort to improve the update log page load time. A unique
identifier has been added to the foreign aid and war stats download files to
help detect duplicates when compiling the data over time.
There was
some confusion regarding the site terms and conditions pertain to
automated scripts. The last sentence in clause #7 of the website
terms and conditions has been changed from,
"Browser add-ons are generally ok as long as they do not cause increased
server loads or present security issues." and now reads as, "Static
browser add-ons, those that do not perform any kind of automated
routines, are generally ok as long as they do not increase server loads
or present security issues. If you are planning on running any type of
browser add-on you are advised to contact the admin directly and seek
approval first."
The reason for this rule is two fold. 1) To prevent server activity
spikes from automated scripts and 2) For fairness to everyone who plays
the game who follow the rules and do not use automated scripts to gain
advantages in-game. If you are going to use a browser add-on with this
site and are unsure if it is allowed or not, please ask before using it.
The moon
and mars wonder map marker positions have been offset slightly from one
another so that if you have more than one wonder and they are all on the
same location on the map, you can still zoom in and see each individual
marker. This offset is for visual reference only and does not affect the
effectiveness of the wonder as the game still thinks that they are still
on top of one another.
Added an
Alliance Statistics download file in the
Stats Download screen. 1-21-2011
Battle Taunts to the ground attack screen. If you have suggestions for
additional default Battle Taunts see the
suggestion box.
Added a 30
Day Nation Strength History chart to the
World Demographics screen. I
started collecting this data on the 15th so it will be a few more weeks
until the chart fills itself out fully. 1-15-2011
here, the Detailed
Alliance Statistics screen will now count active nations as those
who have logged in within the past 2 days rather than using a nations
last tax collection.
Added aid
and war reasons to the stats download